
Why You Should Soften Your Water

You should soften your water because it can prevent a lot of residential and commercial headaches if you live in an area with hard water.

How Do I Descale My Water Pipes?

Slow water flow can be an annoyance and a sign of a more significant problem. If you notice water trickling out of your faucets or slowly draining fro...

Why Does Soft Water Feel Slippery?

What Does Soft Water Feel Like? Most people discover what soft water feels like while in the shower. With soap being naturally slippery, softened wate...

Should You Use Hard or Soft Water on Plants?

Is hard water bad for plants? Water is the essence of life and, as Leonardo da Vinci so eloquently observed, the driving force of all nature. When it ...

5 Easy Ways to Conserve Water Today

With summer right around the corner, you can expect an increase in your water bill. The kids use more water when home from school, your lawn and garde...