
Do Water Softeners Help Conserve Water?

April is Water Conservation Month, a vital initiative to remind people to conserve water year-round. You probably know most of the essential ways to s...

Effects of Hard Water on Household Appliances

Whether your home has soft or hard water is determined by the amount of dissolved calcium and magnesium in the water and is common in areas where grou...

How to Maintain Your Water Softening System

According to the United States Geological Survey, water must have 60 or fewer milligrams of calcium carbonate per liter to qualify as soft. While a wa...

How Soft Water Can Benefit Your Pets

The animal companions in your home always have a bowl of water sitting out for them, but have you wondered what they are drinking? While homeowners in...

Are Water Softener Systems Worth the Money?

Hard water may not seem like a big deal, making a water softener look more like a luxury than a necessity. However, most of Indianapolis’ water source...

Can Water Softeners Make You Sick?

Water softeners are effective at combating the ill-effects of hard water—dry skin, dingy laundry, stained sinks, and damage to plumbing and appliances...

Does Purified Water Have Sodium?

Is There Salt in My Purified Water? Purified water is high-quality water, essentially free from all chemicals and possibly free of microbes, depending...

How to Test for Hard Water

There are several ways to test for hard water in your home if you suspect it might be the cause of your spotty dishes, scaly pipes, scummy tubs, or it...

How Do I Descale My Water Pipes?

Slow water flow can be an annoyance and a sign of a more significant problem. If you notice water trickling out of your faucets or slowly draining fro...

Should You Use Hard or Soft Water on Plants?

Is hard water bad for plants? Water is the essence of life and, as Leonardo da Vinci so eloquently observed, the driving force of all nature. When it ...